Side A – Song 4

  1. Side A – Song 1
  2. Side A – Song 2
  3. Side A – Song 3
  4. Side A – Song 4
  5. Side A – Song 5
  6. Side A – Song 6
  7. Side B – Song 1
  8. Side B – Song 2
  9. Side B – Song 3
  10. Side B – Song 4
  11. Side B – Song 5

I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons

In our fast-paced society, it can be difficult to be patient when we are asked to wait. Yet we wait for things everyday. We wait for our coffee to finish brewing in the morning, or we wait in line at the drive-through. We wait for results from a biopsy, or for the treatment to work. We wait for there to be a ring on our finger, or for a positive ultrasound after years of infertility. We wait for our loved one to come home. We wait for that phone call that could change everything… In some cases we are still waiting, but hopefully you’re not still waiting for your coffee.

When you can get a meal and “have it your way” in a matter of minutes, it can be easy to put similar expectations on God when we pray. Yet sometimes God answers our prayers in ways we would not have envisioned. And many times receiving the answer to our prayers is far from instant. However, do you really think that God is just twiddling his thumbs while we wait for Him to answer our prayers? Nope. Though we may perceive it as God being silent, He’s up to something big.

So keep praying and keep asking. God desires to work in us through our prayer life. Matthew 7:7-8 says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find, Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Mike and I are still waiting for a phone call, but we continue to pray. As this song says, “I’ll kneel down… Raise my hands… And bow my head… ‘Cause I will wait…”

Well, I came home
Like a stone
And I fell heavy into your arms
These days of dust
Which we've known
Will blow away with this new sun

But I'll kneel down,
Wait for now
And I'll kneel down,
Know my ground

And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you

So break my step
And relent
Well, you forgave and I won't forget
Know what we've seen
And him with less
Now in some way shake the excess

'Cause I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you

Now I'll be bold
As well as strong
And use my head alongside my heart
So tame my flesh
And fix my eyes
A tethered mind freed from the lies

And I'll kneel down,
Wait for now
I'll kneel down,
Know my ground

Raise my hands
Paint my spirit gold
And bow my head
Keep my heart slow

'Cause I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you