First Day of IVF

Yesterday was the first day of school for a lot of kids near us…
Today is our first day of something big too!

Today’s the day…

I guess our first day of IVF was technically last Tuesday, when Mike had his procedure. Since he has a blockage that was unable to be repaired in surgery, he had to have a TESE procedure last week. Basically, that’s where they use a needle to extract the sperm. So his swimmers took the polar plunge last Tuesday, and are now waiting to be thawed and paired with my eggs.

We’re in this together!

This week Mike passed the baton to me, which started with some blood work and an ultrasound. The ultrasound checks the uterine lining and the status of the ovaries, and to make sure there aren’t any cysts in the ovaries. After being diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) when we first started our fertility testing, I was expecting to hear there were cysts. Thankfully the ultrasonographer did not see any and said my ultrasound looked good. My blood work results were also good. Now I can start the medications as planned. Yipee!

The present FedEx brought me

Since I need to take the medications at the same time each night, Mike and I both set alarms for 9pm. When the time came tonight, I took one of the boxes of Cetrotide out of our fridge and opened it up. This is a medication that needs to be mixed before injecting. We followed all the instructions to a T so we wouldn’t mess anything up.

First injection

As a PA, I’ve given a lot of injections and have taught many patients how to give injections to themselves. I wasn’t nervous until I was holding the needle, ready to inject. I took a deep breath, pinched my belly, then inserted the needle and pushed the plunger until all the medicine had been injected… Phew, that wasn’t so bad!

22 thoughts on “First Day of IVF

  1. Wishing you and Mike well, Kim. Praying with you as you allow God to work with you and for you. You nailed it, in God’s time. Sometimes thats hard for people to accept. Just knowing he is able, gives me hope for you. Keep believing. ❤️

    He will do it!!

    1. Wow! Keep going You two! You inspire me and I can imagine how many others you will inspire & encourage in the future by your faith in God & your testimony!!!

      Love Love Love You both!!!
      Continual prayers for His blessing chosen for you both!!!♥️♥️♥️

  2. Prayers going up for you, blessed friends. May our wonderful, gracious God give you peace and hope on your journey.

  3. You guys are quite the team! Continued prayers for you both and this journey you are on. We love you❤️❤️

  4. We love you too! You got this! 🙂
    Thank you for sharing your story, holler if you need anything at all.
    Continued love and prayers sent your way – every day!

  5. Saying my prayers and loving the blog! I will be reading it with fingers and toes crossed! Love you both❤️

    1. Thank you for the prayers. I hope all the finger and toe crossing doesn’t give you arthritis. 😉 Love you too!

  6. One thing I know for sure…nobody knows what you’re going through unless they’ve been through it. We have been on the same road and those meds and syringes looked so familiar!
    I love the idea of a blog. ♥️Great therapy! Just know, we’re here for you two if you need anything or just want to talk.
    Blessings to you both and prayers for God’s will to be done. Love You!

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